We are a progressive Christian community that gathers to listen, speak and act in a spirit of compassion justice and stewardship. Wherever you are on your journey of life and faith, you are welcome here! Sign our guest book to let us know more about you and what you are looking for in a community of faith.
Join Worship
Our worship is hybrid: in person and online (on Zoom or Youtube). You can view the bulletin and find the Zoom link for this Sunday’s 10 am worship here.
To view recordings of previous services, visit our YouTube channel. For more information about in person worship, please visit the worship page.
Collaborative Advent Devotional
Download a copy of the First Church Advent Devotional. In it, you’ll find personal reflections, original and shared poetry, photographs, even original musical compositions, all shared by members of the congregation and inspired by our Advent theme of “All shall be well.” Thank you to all the contributors for your thoughtful, funny, touching, and inspiring offerings. It was truly a collaborative endeavor.
Advent 2024
Our theme for Advent this year is “All Will Be Well,” attributed to Julian of Norwich.
We will gather on November 17 after worship to make advent calendars and wreaths–all ages are invited.
On December 15 we will hold our annual Advent Marketplace after worship–a great opportunity to do some holiday shopping for handmade crafts.
On Monday December 16 join us for our Longest Night service at 7p.
On December 22 after worship we will gather to sing Christmas carols and enjoy Christmas cookies–all ages are invited.
On December 24 our Christmas Eve candlelight service will take place at 5p. All are welcome to attend. Join us at 4p that day for cookies and cocoa and fellowship.
Use Our Building
Our historic church in southeast Minneapolis is our congregation’s home. It’s also available for rental to the community at large — as a Minneapolis wedding venue, for community meetings, and more.
Learn more about building rental and weddings at First Church