This website was developed by Sean Hayford Oleary Design. It was launched in 2021.
First Church Logo
Logo downloads are available below:

Primary logo: Color
Use: as primary representation, when appearing on a white or light-colored background.

Primary logo: White
Use: for dark backgrounds or where placed adjacent to other white logos.
Simplified logo: Color
Use: if logo will be used at too small a size for the details in the church outline to be legible.
Simplified logo: White
Use: if logo will be used at too small a size for the details in the church outline to be legible, and when used for dark backgrounds or where placed adjacent to other white logos.
Logo mark: Color
Use: only a secondary reference or as a decorative brand reference. First Church name or logo must be clear and used in conjunction.
Logo mark: White
Use: only a secondary reference or as a decorative brand reference, when placed on a dark background. First Church name or logo must be clear and used in conjunction.
Brand colors
(RGB: 217, 163, 40)
(RGB: 231, 50, 39)
(RGB: 28, 123, 123)
Brand guidance
- The primary logo in full color is preferred.
- White variations should be used only if the full-color logo is not legible due to background darkness, or when placed adjacent to other logos in white.
- The simplified logo should only be used at a small size, when the details of the church tower are not legible.
- The logo mark should be used only as a secondary reference. The First Church name must be obvious in context.
- When used online or in digital materials, link the logo to
- Do not modify the logo, alter colors, use without padding, or box the logo.
UCC Brand
You may also see United Church of Christ Branding on this website or in our materials. The UCC Brand and Logo information can be accessed on UCC’s website.