January 2025 Board Report

The words Gather, Listen, Speak, Act in a red circle

Practicing Hospitality – Welcoming New Board Members: This was the first Board meeting of the year and included welcoming several new Board members. As part of this effort, the Board engaged in an exercise designed to identify each Board member’s unique preferences and styles of participation in discussions and meetings. Sharing this information together and noting our similarities and differences helps to create an environment of authenticity and trust that will guide our relationships and decision making as a Board. 

Committee Members/Board-Appointed Positions: The Board appointed committee members and chairs and filled Board-appointed positions. The slate of appointees was approved with the understanding that Jane would confirm a few of the nominations and then distribute the final list of those appointed to the Board and congregation.

Principal Minister’s Housing Allowance: The Board passed a resolution setting Jane’s housing allowance. This is a formality that does not change the compensation package for Jane but is a tax-related consideration only.

Accepted the Building Committee’s Recommendation Regarding First Church’s Property/Liability/Worker’s Comp Insurance: The Board received a recommendation from the Building Committee regarding First Church’s insurance policies for property, liability, and worker’s compensation insurance. The Building Committee recommended that we contract with the Insurance Board for property, liability, and worker’s comp insurance for a total premium of $29,582, about $11,000 less than the original quote from our previous insurance company. The new coverage will involve a $5 million umbrella and $50,000 deductible. The Committee’s rationale was that we would not be submitting small claims, so the difference between $10,000 and $50,000 deductible in terms of the premium was worth it. The Board accepted this recommendation from the Building Committee on insurance.

Approved the Use of Undesignated Funds for the Building Use Group and Flourish: In its November meeting, the Board discussed the use of funds that are not restricted in their use (memorial gifts, undesignated bequests, unspent COVID relief funds, and past budget surpluses). It was decided that a portion of this money should be invested in our First Church Fund. It was also decided that these funds could support one-time expenses necessary to support our Flourish initiatives related to increased building use (security systems and kitchen upgrade), and ministry team projects (creation of a logo, upgrades to internal signage and displays, upgrades to external signage, and other requests from ministry teams). At the December meeting, the Board authorized $25,000 of the undesignated funds be made available to the Flourish Task Force to use in upgrading our building’s security system, and to support painting and other upgrades to the former music rehearsal space on the second floor of the Gathering Hall that will be rented to Byron Almén. 

Approved the Transfer of Covid Relief Funds to the Deacons Fund and the Reparations Fund: The Deacons Fund is a long-time discretionary fund under the purview of the Principal Minister. During Covid, donations were raised by the congregation to help members of the congregation and outside community members who were being impacted by the pandemic. These funds have current balances of $6,522 for church members and $1,920 for community members. After discussion, the Board approved transferring the $6,522 amount to the Deacons Fund, to be distributed by the Principal Minister on an occasional basis to members and friends of the congregation. The Board also approved transferring the $1,920 amount to the Reparations Fund.

Report on Capital Campaign Planning: The Board received a report from Jane McBride and Linda Valerian about Capital Campaign planning. There are several organizations that can help with capital campaigns. The James Company, which assisted First Church with our previous capital campaign, was contacted, in addition to another company which did not respond to the committee’s inquiry. The committee will contact The United Church of Christ Church Building and Loan Fund and will identify a third organization to help ensure that we will have sufficient data to select the most effective organization to assist us with our capital campaign.

Linda Valerian, Moderator

This entry was posted on February 11, 2025